Heart of a Champion – July 23, 1955

Sam leaps into Terry Sammis, a.k.a. Nikolai Russkie, one-half of the tag team wresting duo The Battling Russkies. Shortly after Sam arrives, the duo get a shot for the title in a championship match. In the original history, Terry’s brother, Ronnie, die from cardiac arrest during the match. Sam must find a way to keep Ronnie from wrestling.

Sam Fain and Dennis are joined by professional wrestler, Leva Bates, or as she has been previously known as during her time with the WWE, Blue Pants. They discuss the episode, and go on some fun tangents about the professional wrestling world. We had a blast recording this. Hope you enjoy!

Learn more about Leva at her social media pages: Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, and Twitch.

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